Friday, September 2, 2011

Time to get busy!

Hello all,
Camp is over and summer is almost at its end. That means its time to get after base training! For the next couple of months I will be cranking up the mileage and doing a lot of tempo and fartlek work. I'm pretty excited, as you all know its a big year coming up! The trials are about 10 months away so its time to get after it. 10 months seems like a long ways away but for me its going to fly by. The 08 trials feel like they were yesterday and now here we are 10 months away from 2012's trials. Its going to be a tough road ahead but if it were easy then everyone would do it right? I signed up for this knowing it was going to be tough! But I think that's what motivates me to keep going. The idea that even if I fail I still know that I gave my best to try to accomplish something that most think impossible.

Its also time to get busy coaching middle school XC.  Jeff and I will be taking on Lebanon middle school cross country. We don't start practice till next week but we have already started writing up workout plans and are getting very excited to meet our new athletes. I'm excited for this opportunity because I really want to get into coaching when I'm done competing professionally and I think this will be a great start.  Whats good about this program is that we are not trying to push these kids into hard training. We simply are trying to build their love for running and teach them stretches and drills that will help them become better athletes as they get older. Whether its running or another sport. We Just want them become stronger and teach them things now so that they don't develop injuries later on in life. Needless to say its going to be great experience and I look forward to the challenge

Alright its getting late and Ive got a tempo run in the AM Good night everyone!


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